Bernese Babes in the Wood

Portrait of Two Bernese Mountain Dogs in the WoodsBernese Mountain Dogs Vino & Rioja love searching for squirrels in the woods, so it seemed only natural to portray them doing what they love best, in their favourite place to be.

At 18×26″ this portrait is somewhat larger than usual and I’m really looking forward to seeing how my client decides to frame it.

The foundation for this portrait was drawn using Caran D’Ache Museum Aquarelle and Faber Castell Albrecht Durer pencils, blended with water, on anthracite Pastelmat. The Aquarelle pigments, while softer than the Albrecht Durer pencils, are fabulously vibrant once blended with water and this initial under painted layer adds depth to the finished drawing.

Once the underpainting had dried I gradually added layers of colour using Luminance, Pablo and Polychromos pencils to build up the depth and detail keeping a shallow depth of field so that the focus of the portrait is the dogs.


“The picture Donna did for me of the girls has arrived and it is stunning, such a talented lady.” “I have the picture and we are delighted with it xxx Many thanks you have done the girls proud !”